IT Services

What’s a business without effective IT?

Companies and businesses are increasingly reliant on technology, IT to be precise. Every system that is plugged to the network, every communication that needs to be set up and established, every associate that needs a working environment, every customer that is dependent on companies for their products and services, there’s IT everywhere. That makes it indispensable.

At Madhava Infra, we understand IT is the heart and soul of any business. As part of our basket of services and capabilities, we have established professional teams that can work on the entire IT network, servers, audio visual systems, and telephone and conferencing systems for your business. Worry not about IT, trust in our abilities and leave the IT infra to us!


Madhava Infra Projects is a total Construction Solutions organization based in Hyderabad. It had a humble beginning in 2005 as ‘Sai Electricals

Opening hours

Monday - Friday : 9am to 5pm

Saturday : 10am to 2pm

Sunday : 10am to 2pm

Quick links

Get in Touch

Madhava Infra Projects

1-2-597/5, Baraf bagh colony Domalguda,
Hyderabad 500029, Telangana - INDIA.

Phone: +91-984-902-1692
Telephone: +91 (040)-23229967